Three Signs You Need an Eye Exam


Getting regular eye exams is important to protect your eye health, but it's easy to forget about them or not know whether you need one. This guide explains three key signs that you should schedule an eye exam as soon as possible. You've Noticed a Change in Your Vision It's normal for your vision to change over time, but if you feel like your vision has noticeably changed since your last test, it's important to get an eye exam.

26 January 2023

What happens during an eye examination?


If your eyesight wasn't poor during childhood and hasn't noticeably deteriorated since, you might not have had many trips to the optometrist. If eye examinations are unfamiliar to you, it's easy to be wary of them! So what really happens during a standard eye checkup appointment, and what's the idea behind all the different things your optometrist does? Taking a history & general information gathering At the start of the appointment, an optician or optometrist will ask you some general health and eyesight questions: anything weird you might have noticed about your eyes and vision, how many headaches you get and what your usual smoking and drinking habits are.

11 May 2022

How to Ensure a Smooth Recovery After Eye Surgery


Eye conditions that require surgery are not uncommon, with the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare explaining that 411,000 Australians every year develop cataracts and millions more live with long-term eye conditions. Luckily, there are a few simple things that you can do to make your recovery go smoothly, from taking the advice of your eye surgeon to avoiding eye irritants. Make Time to Relax and Heal You will need to take at least a little time to recover after eye surgery, rather than jumping right back into your busy life.

30 June 2021

Keratitis Explained


Keratitis is a serious eye condition that affects the clear layer over the front of your eye, known as the cornea. It can be caused by a virus or bacteria, and when this is the case it is referred to as infectious keratitis. The condition can also be non-infectious in origin and can be caused by trauma or wearing contact lenses for longer than is recommended by the manufacturer. When left untreated, keratitis can leave you with permanent damage to your eyesight.

25 November 2020

Top 5 Benefits of Wearing Prescription Glasses


When did you last go for an eye checkup? Do you experience vision difficulties during sunny days or when reading? According to optometrists, it is vital to have regular eye examinations twice per year. And if you experience any eye problems, your routine checkups should be more often. Many people fear to visit optometrists because they don't want to get prescription glasses. Although it is entirely reasonable to be nervous for the first time, the main aim of prescription glasses is to correct blurred vision and related problems.

22 October 2019

Could Your Beauty Products Be Detrimental Your Eye Health?


For some people, the concept of eye care means getting corrective spectacles when they develop sight impairments. Nevertheless, this is not the only way that your eyes can acquire damage. The makeup products and accessories that you use on a daily basis could also be causing detrimental leading to puffy eyes, bloodshot eyes and a host of other irritations. Whether you use run-of-the-mill novelty products or expensive cosmetics, here are some of the products that could be damaging to the overall wellbeing of your eyes.

28 November 2017

How to Choose Glasses for Night Driving


Whether you drive at night for work or leisure, you need to make sure your prescription eyewear keeps you safe on the road when it's dark. Driving at night presents glasses wearers with many unique challenges, from street lamp glare to peripheral vision blockages. This means the glasses you wear during the day when you're not driving may not be suitable for your nighttime travels. If you need a new pair of glasses for night driving, check out these 3 tips to help you pick the right spectacles for the job.

20 June 2017

Why Your Child May Be More Susceptible to Computer Vision Problems


Children are being introduced to computers at an earlier age due to the increasing level at which everything has become digital. This early exposure to computers puts your child at a higher risk of developing vision problems. This article discusses some of the factors that make children prone to computer-related vision challenges. Kids are Physically Smaller Most computer workstations are designed to be used by adults. However, it is common to find kids using those workstations to play video games or watch movies online.

23 January 2017

Are Your New Glasses Making You Feel Dizzy?


If you've recently got a new pair of prescription glasses, you may expect to be able to wear them immediately with no problems. However, some people may experience side effects when they wear new glasses or when they take them off. For example, you may feel a little dizzy to start with. When might your new glasses make you feel dizzy? A Change in Lens Strength If your sight has gotten a little worse, or even a little better, since your last eye exam, you may have needed to change the prescription of the lenses in your glasses.

14 June 2016

Diabetic Retinopathy: How It Can Affect Your Vision, and How to Avoid It


Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most common complications that can arise as a result of diabetes, and it also has the potential to be one of the most serious. Diabetic retinopathy can be found in people who are affected by both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and it can lead to a significant reduction in the quality of your vision. In extreme cases, it can lead to a total loss of vision.

23 May 2016